ADULT VISION (humans and monkeys)
Dobkins KR & Albright TD (1993). What happens if it changes color when it moves?: Psychophysical experiments on the nature of chromatic input to motion detectors. Vision Research, 33(8), 1019-1036.
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Dobkins KR, Thiele A & Albright TD (2000). Comparison of red-green equiluminance points in humans and macaques: evidence for different L:M ratios between species. Journal of the Optical Society of America, 17, 545-556.
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Thiele A, Dobkins KR & Albright TD (2000). Neural correlates of contrast detection at threshold. Neuron, 26, 715-724.
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Thiele A, Dobkins KR & Albright TD (2001). Neural correlates of chromatic motion perception. Neuron, 32, 351-8.
Thiele A, Rezec A and Dobkins KR (2002). Chromatic input to motion processing in the absence of attention. Vision Research, 42, 11, 1395- 1401.
Gunther KL & Dobkins KR (2002). Individual differences in chromatic (red/green) contrast sensitivity are constrained by the relative number of L- and M- cones in the eye. Vision Research, 42, 11, 1367- 1378.
Gunther KL & Dobkins KR (2003). Independence of mechanisms tuned along cardinal and non-cardinal axes of color space: Evidence from factor analysis, Vision Research, 43, 683-696.
Pashler H, Dobkins KR, Huang L (2004). Is contrast just another feature for visual selective attention? Vision Research, 44, 1403-10.
Fine I, Anderson CM, Boynton G, Dobkins KR (2004). The invariance of directional tuning with contrast and coherence. Vision Research, 44, 903-913.
Rezec AA and Dobkins KR (2004). Attentional Weighting: A Possible Account of Visual Field Asymmetries in Visual Search? Spatial Vision, 17, 269-293.
Rezec AA, Krekelberg B and Dobkins KR (2004). Attention Enhances Adaptability: Evidence from Motion Adaptation Experiments. Vision Research, 44, 3035 – 3044.
Huang L & Dobkins, KR (2005). Attentional Effects on Contrast Discrimination in Humans: Evidence for both Contrast Gain and Response Gain. Vision Research, 45, 1201-1212.
Gunther KL & Dobkins KR (2005). Induction Effects for Heterochromatic Flicker Photometry (HFP), Heterochromatic Brightness Matching (HBM), and Minimally Distinct Border (MDB): Implications for the Neural Mechanisms Underlying Induction. Journal of the Optical Society of America, 22(10), 2182-2196.
Dobkins KR, Rezec AA, Krekelberg B (2007). Effects of spatial attention and salience cues on achromatic and chromatic motion processing, Vision Research, Vision Research, 47, 1893-1906.
Bosworth RG Petrich J & Dobkins KR (2012). Effects of Spatial Attention on Motion Discrimination are Greater in the Left than Right Visual Field. Vision Research, 52 (1), 11-19.
Dobkins KR & Teller DY (1996). Infant contrast detectors are selective for direction of motion. Vision Research, 36(2), 281-294.
Dobkins KR & Teller DY (1996). Infant motion:detection (M:D) ratios for chromatically-defined and luminance-defined moving stimuli. Vision Research, 36(20), 3293-3310.
Dobkins KR, Lia B & Teller DY (1997). Infant color vision: Temporal contrast sensitivity functions (tCSFs) for chromatically-defined stimuli in 3-month-olds. Vision Research, 37(19), 2699-2716.
Lia B, Dobkins KR, Palmer J & Teller DY (1999). Infants code the direction of chromatic quadrature motion. Vision Research, 39(10): 1783-1794.
Dobkins KR, Anderson CM & Lia B (1999). Infant temporal contrast sensitivity functions (tCSFs) mature earlier for luminance than for chromatic stimuli: Evidence for precocious magnocellular development? Vision Research, 39(19), 3223-3239.
Banton T, Dobkins KR & Bertenthal BI (2001). Infant direction discrimination thresholds. Vision Research, 41, 1049-1056.
Dobkins KR, Anderson CM & Kelly, J. (2001). Development of psychophysically-derived detection contours in L- and M- cone contrast space. Vision Research, 41, 1791 – 1807.
Dobkins KR & Anderson CM (2002). Color-based motion processing is stronger in infants than in adults. Psychological Science, 13, 75 – 79.
Dobkins KR, Fine I, Hseuh A & Vitten C (2004). Pattern motion integration in infants. Journal of Vision, 4, 144-155.
Dobkins KR, Lewis LB & Fine I (2006). Integration of 1D and 2D motion signals in infants: Evidence from the barber pole illusion. Vision Research, 46, 3360 – 3372.
Dobkins KR & Sampath V (2008). The use of chromatic information for motion segmentation: Differences between psychophysical and eye movement measures. Perception, 37, 993-1009.
Dobkins KR, Bosworth RG & McCleery JP (2009). Effects of Gestational Length, Gender, Postnatal Age and Birth Order on Visual Contrast Sensitivity in Infants. Journal of Vision, 9(10):19, 1-21.
Bosworth, RG and Dobkins KR (2009). Chromatic and Luminance Contrast Sensitivity in Fullterm and Preterm Infants. Journal of Vision, 9(13):15, 1 – 16.
Wagner K & Dobkins KR (2011). Synesthetic Associations Decrease during Infancy. Psychological Science, 22 (8), 1067-72.
Wagner K, Dobkins KR, Barner D (2012). Color word learning is a gradual inductive process. Cognitive Science Proceedings, Sapporo, Japan.
Wagner K, Dobkins KR & Barner D (2013). Slow mapping: Color word learning as a gradual inductive process. Cognition, 127(3), 307-317.
Bosworth RG & Dobkins KR (2013). Effects of Prematurity on the Development of Contrast Sensitivity: Testing the Visual Experience Hypothesis, Vision Research, 82: 31-41.
Dobkins KR, Heyman G (2013). Using Neuroscience to Tailor Visual Environments for Infants and Children. ANFA Special Issue of Intelligent Buildings International.
Bosworth RG, Robbins SL, Garnet DB Dobkins KR (2013). Delayed Luminance and Chromatic Contrast Sensitivity in Infants with Spontaneously Regressed Retinopathy of Prematurity. Documenta Ophthalmologica, 1-12.
Pallett P & Dobkins KR (2013). Development of Face Discrimination Abilities, and Relationship to Magnocellular Pathway Development, between Childhood and Adulthood. Visual Neuroscience, 30(5-6), p. 251-262
Blumenthal E, Bosworth RG, Dobkins KR (2013). Fast Development of Global Motion Processing in Human Infants. Journal of Vision, 13(13):8.
Dobkins KR & Harms R (2014). The Face Inversion Effect in Infants is Driven by High, and not Low, Spatial Frequencies. Journal of Vision, 14(1):1, 1-17.
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Bosworth RG & Dobkins KR (1999). Left hemisphere dominance for motion processing in deaf signers. Psychological Science, 10 (3): 256-262.
Finney E & Dobkins KR (2001). Visual contrast sensitivity in deaf vs. hearing populations: Exploring the perceptual consequences of auditory deprivation and experience with a visual language. Cognitive Brain Research, 11, 171-183.
Finney, E., Fine, I & Dobkins, KR (2001). Visual stimuli activate auditory cortex in the deaf. Nature Neuroscience, 4(12), 1171 – 1173.
Bosworth RG & Dobkins KR (2002a). The effects of spatial attention on motion processing in deaf signers, hearing signers, and hearing non-signers. Brain and Cognition, 49(1), 152-169.
Bosworth RG & Dobkins KR (2002b). Visual field asymmetries for motion processing in deaf and hearing signers. Brain and Cognition, 49(1), 170-181.
Finney E, Clementz BA, Hickok G & Dobkins KR (2003). Visual stimuli activate auditory cortex in deaf subjects: Evidence from magnetoencephalography. NeuroReport, 14, 1425-1427.
Fine I, Finney EM, Boynton GM & Dobkins KR (2005). Comparing the Effects of Auditory Deprivation and Sign Language within the Auditory and Visual Cortex, Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 17(10): 1621-1637.
Bosworth RG, Bartlett MS & Dobkins KR (2006). Image Statistics of American Sign Language: Comparison to Faces and Natural Scenes. Journal of the Optical Society of America, 23 (9), 2085 – 2096.
Bosworth RG, Petrich JAF, Dobkins KR (2013). Effects of Attention and Laterality on Motion and Orientation Discrimination in Deaf Signers. Brain & Cognition, 82: 117-26.
Bosworth RG, Wright T, Dobkins KR (2019). Analysis of the Visual Spatiotemporal Properties of Sign Language. Vision Research.
McCleery JP, Allman E, Carver LJ and Dobkins KR (2007). Abnormal Magnocellular (M) pathway visual processing in infants at risk for Autism. Biological Psychiatry, 62(9), 1007-14.
Zwaigenbaum L, Bryson S, Lord C, Rogers S, Carter A, Carver L, Chawarska K, Constantino J, Dawson G, Dobkins K, Fein D, Iverson J, Klin A, Landa R, Messinger D, et al., (2009). Clinical Assessment and Management of Toddlers with Suspected ASD: Insights from Studies of High-Risk Infants. Pediatrics, 123:1383-1391.
McCleery JP, Akshoomoff N, Dobkins KR & Carver LJ. (2009). Atypical Face vs. Object Processing and Hemispheric Asymmetries in 10-Month-Old Infants at Risk for Autism. Biological Psychiatry, 66(10): 950-957.
Cui Koh H, Milne E & Dobkins KR (2010). Spatial Contrast Sensitivity in Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 40: 978-987.
Cui Koh H, Milne E & Dobkins KR (2010). Contrast Sensitivity for Motion Detection and Direction Discrimination in Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorders and their Siblings. Neuropsychologia, 48 (14): 4046-56.
Ozonoff, S., Young, G.S., Carter, A., Messinger, D., Yirmiya, N., Zwiagnebaum, L., Bryson, S., Carver, L.J., Constantino, J., & Dobkins K. R., et al. (2012). Recurrence Risk in Younger Siblings of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Pediatrics.
Cornew, L Dobkins KR, Akshoomoff N, McCleery J and Carver LJ (2012). Atypical social referencing in infant siblings of children with autism spectrum disorders, Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. 42 (12) 2611 – 21.
Dobkins KR (2012). Studying infant siblings of children with autism spectrum disorder. Simons Foundation Autism Research Institute. On line Web Article. July 2011.
Messinger D, Young GS, Ozonoff S, Dobkins K, Carter A, Zwaigenbaum L, Landa R, Charman T, Stone W, Constantino J, Hutman T, Carver LJ, Bryson S, Iverson JM, Strauss M, Rogers SJ & Sigman M (2013). A BSRC study of High-Risk Siblings at Three Years of Age, JAACAP, 52 (3): 300-308.
Pallett P, Cohen S & Dobkins KR (2013). Face and Object Discrimination in Autism, and Relationship to IQ and Age, Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. 44 (5), 1039-1054.
Zwaigenbaum L, Young GS, Stone WL, Dobkins KR, Ozonoff S, Brian J, Bryson S, Carver LJ, Constantino J, Hutman T, Iverson J, Landa R, Messinger D (2014). Early Head Growth in Infants at Risk of Autism: A Baby Siblings Research Consortium Study. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. 53(10):1053–1062.
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Molecular Autism, 6(32).
Penn AH, Carver LC, Herbert CA, Lai TS, McIntire MJ, Schmid-Schönbein GW, Taylor SF and Dobkins KR (2016). Breast Milk Protects Against Gastrointestinal Symptoms in Infants at High Risk for Autism Spectrum Disorders During Early Development. Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology & Nutrition. 62(2), 317-327.
Lazenby D, Sideridis G, Huntington N, Prante M, Dale P, Curtin S, Henkel S, Iverson J, Carver L, Dobkins K, Akshoomoff N, Tagavi D, Nelson C, Tager-Flusberg H (2016). Language Differences at 12 Months in Infants Who Develop Autism Spectrum Disorder. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. 46(3): 899-909. DOI 10.1007/s10803-015-2632-1.
Van Etten H, Kaur M, Srinivasan S, Cohen S, Bhat A, Dobkins KR (2017). Increased prevalence of unusual sensory behaviors in infants at risk for, and teens with, Autism Spectrum Disorder. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 47(11): 3431-3445. DOI: 10.1007/s10803-017-3227-9.
Glickman G, Harrison L and Dobkins KR (2017). Vaccination rates among younger siblings of children with autism. The New England Journal of Medicine, 377: 11, 1099-1101.
D’Abate L, Walker S, Yuen RKC, Tammimies K, Buchanan JA, Davies RW, Thiruvahindrapuram B, Lei J, Brian J, Bryson SE, Dobkins KR, Howe J, Landa R, Leef J, Messinger D, Ozonoff S, Smith IM, Stone WL, Warren ZE, Young G, Zwaigenbaum L, Scherer SW (2019). Predictive impact of rare genomic copy number variations in siblings of individuals with autism spectrum disorders. Nature Communications.
Dobkins KR, Ku S, Mak K and Fu A (2018). Principles of Clarity: Effects of a novel mindfulness workshop on improving well-being
Dobkins KR, Guo X, Bobba V and Mingjing M (2018). Is the content of the “inner human experience” related to mindfulness and well-being? An experience sampling study
Dobkins KR, Bondi T (2018). Changes in Well-Being from a 30-minute Meditation: Comparing the Effects of Different Delivery Methods
Bondi T, Dobkins KR (2019). Well-being at UCSD. Using Mindfulness to decrease loneliness, anxiety and depression
Arnold AA, Dobkins KR (2019). Trust Some BODY: Loneliness is associated with altered interoceptive abilities
Jago C, Dobkins KR (2019). What women say they want vs. what men imagine they do (preprint)
Arnold AJ, Winkielman P, Dobkins KR (2019). Interoception and Social Connection. Frontiers in Psychology. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2019.02589
Dobkins KR, Bergen H, Henschel, Christenfeld N (2019). The effects of hugging on establishing feelings of intimacy. (manuscript in prep)
Nooripour R, Ghanbari N, Hoseinian S, HasaniAbharian P, Dobkins K, Maadal A (2021). Effectiveness of Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Rehabilitation in Reducing Stress among Hard of Hearing Adolescent Girls. International Journal of Behavioral Sciences. 10.30491/IJBS.2021.253241.1400
Nooripour R, Ghanbari N, Hoseinian S, Vakili Y, Dobkins K (2021). Psychometric Validation of the Farsi Version of the Mindful Attention Awareness Scale (MAAS) in a Sample of Iranian Students in the USA. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction.
Guo E and Dobkins K (2023a). Private Speech Amount Positively Predicts Memory Performance in Young Adults. Consciousness and Cognition 113, 103534,
Dobkins K, Dickenson J, Lindsay D, Bondi T (2023). Changing the Landscape of Mental Health Among College Students: A community case study on learning sustainable well being. Frontiers: Public Mental Health. Volume 11 – 2023
Guo E and Dobkins K (2023b). Private Speech Improves Cognitive Performance in Young Adults. Consciousness and Cognition 116, 103585,
Saitoh T & Dobkins KR (1986). Increased in vitro phosphorylation of an Mr 60,000 protein in brain from patients with Alzheimer disease. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, 83, 9764-9767.
Saitoh T & Dobkins KR (1986). Protein Kinase C in human brain and its inhibition by calmodulin. Brain Research, 379, 196-199.
Saitoh T, Hansen LA, Dobkins KR & Terry RD (1988). Increased Mr 60,000 protein phosphorylation is correlated with neocortical neurofibrillary tangles in Alzheimer’s disease. Journal of Neuropathology and Experimental Neurology, 47, 1‑8.
Cole G, Dobkins KR, Hansen LA, Terry RD & Saitoh T (1988). Decreased levels of Protein Kinase C in Alzheimer brain. Brain Research, 254, 165-174.
Clementz BA, McDowell JE & Dobkins KR (2007). Compromised speed discrimination among schizophrenia patients when viewing smooth pursuit targets. Schizophrenia Research, 95, 61-64.
Wang J, Brown R, Dobkins KR, McDowell JE, Clementz, BA (2010). Diminished Parietal Cortex Activity Accounts for Poor Motion Direction Discrimination Performance in Schizophrenia. Cerebral Cortex, 20:1749-1755.
Wang, J, Dobkins KR, McDowell JE & Clementz BA (2012). Neural response to the second stimulus determines poor speed discrimination performance in Schizophrenia. Psychophysiology, 49, 198 – 206.
Cadenhead KS, Dobkins KR, McGovern J, Shafer K (2013). Schizophrenia spectrum participants have reduced visual contrast sensitivity to chromatic (red/green) and luminance (light/dark) stimuli: new insights into information processing, visual channel function and antipsychotic effects. Frontiers in Psychology, 4:535.
Penn AH, Altshuler AE, Small JW, Taylor SF, Dobkins KR, and Schmid-Schönbein GW (2012). Digested formula but not digested fresh human milk causes death of intestinal cells in vitro: implications for necrotizing enterocolitis. Pediatric Research, 72 (6): 560-7.
Penn AH, Altshuler AE, Small JW, Taylor SF, Dobkins KR, and Schmid-Schönbein GW (2014). Effect of Digestion and Storage of Human Milk on Free Fatty Acid Concentration and Cytotoxicity. Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition, 59(3):365-73.